Wednesday 5 August 2015

When Is the Best Time to Get Pregnant for a Woman

What is the right time for a woman to get pregnant? The best time for conception is called the fertile fertility window. 5 days before ovulation plus the ovulation day, in total there are 6 days within your menstrual cycle. It means with 6 days, the sperm must be in the woman’s vagina waiting an egg prior to the ovulation, and sperm can only survive for 3-5 days. Within this period of time, it is the right time for a woman to get pregnant based on scientifically conducted medical studies. According to the theory and principle, from a woman’s perspective, she must ensure when ovulation occurs. There are several handy methods you can use to predict ovulation.

Predication of ovulation occurrence

The time of ovulation for every woman is different. Normally it occurs in 12 days once a new menstrual cycle starts. The menstrual cycle ranges from 28 days to 32 days accordingly. If you are planned to conceive a baby, you can calculate the days and mark them down on a calendar for a couple of months to see when your menstrual cycle is because the menstrual cycle might be vary due to aging or other health conditions. To be accurate, after a couple of months of doing this, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of your current menstrual cycle. Based on the calculations, you can start to plan your conception.

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Conditions of cervix and cervical mucus

The conditions of cervix and cervical mucus change when ovulation starts. Your cervical mucus becomes sticky and elastic because this condition is required by an egg to survive. You will see a sign that your vagina has the sticky, white fluid. The matured egg only survives in this condition for 12 hours. Prior to ovulating, the sperm are waiting in the vagina. Once the ovulation starts the environment in the vagina becomes lubricated and full of nutrients. The sperm living in the environment easily survive and flow into the cervix. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm, the likelihood of achieving conception is very possible, otherwise the egg will die and be absorbed by the endometrial lining of the uterus only and be eliminated out of your vagina once your next menstrual cycle comes. By observing the change of the condition of cervical mucus, you will be aware of the right time for conception.

Some other fertility signs

There are some other fertility signs which you could pay attention to as well. For some women, during ovulation, they feel a bit of pain on their belly; or they notice a pain on their breasts. Those signs can be considered as an indication of ovulating. You can mark them down on a piece of paper. You can monitor the signs on a monthly basis and convince yourself of the ovulation occurrence on a regular basis.

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According to some other researches, cervical mucus is considered the most important factor of getting pregnant regardless of ovulation. When the cervical mucus is fertile and lubricated, on that day, the couple has sexual intercourse and the chance of conception is very high because the vagina produces an environment for the sperm gliding through to the cervix. Only mucus is fertile during ovulating. Therefore to be simple, you can only observe and monitor your cervical mucus after a new menstrual cycle starts to determine the right time for getting pregnant.

Anthony Chuks

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