Sunday 9 August 2015

Spotting Before Your Period - What Does it Mean?

Your period is not due for at least another week but you have found a little blood or pink or brown discharge in your panties that isn’t followed by normal flow bleeding. This is spotting. What does it mean? Well, it could mean absolutely nothing – or it could mean everything: you might be pregnant!

If you had sex while you were ovulating (that is when your egg was released from your ovaries about 10 days after your period ended and about 2 weeks before your next period is due) then spotting could be a sign that you are pregnant. Spotting sometimes occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of your uterus. Your uterus is lined with nourishing blood for the growing baby and some of this blood can be expelled at implantation. Implantation is a necessary step in pregnancy and allows mom’s body to start nourishing the growing baby.

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However, not all pregnant women experience spotting, and in fact few do. So you may be pregnant but experience no spotting. Spotting also is not always a sign of pregnancy, so you may also be spotting and NOT be pregnant. If you experience spotting and your period does not follow a week or so later, of if you’re concerned about what it means, it’s time to see a doctor to find out if you could be pregnant. Spotting could mean nothing and could be nothing to worry about, just a minor blip in your menstrual cycle. If you’re worried about an unplanned pregnancy and you experience spotting, your period may soon follow. If you’re hoping that you’re pregnant and you experience spotting and then no period a week after, you might be pregnant. As always, if you have any concerns about your menstrual cycle or any other aspect of your body’s normal functioning, it is best to consult your doctor.

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-Danica Longair

Anthony Chuks

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  1. Spotting is very common with IUDs. Yes, pregnancy can cause spotting. There are so many of spotting. if you’re really worried about the spotting, see your doctor to make sure there’s no underlying cause.



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