Tuesday 11 August 2015

Treating Heavy Periods - Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Fibroids

Why do we bleed so heavily?

Is it because of the amount of estrogen in our body?

The pill we take?

Is it because of the foods we eat?

What is the cause?

The foods we eat causes our bodies to be full of toxins and pesticides and this counteracts the growth of fibroids which in turn, causes the fibroids to grow larger. With the growth of the fibroids, this causes blood loss, anemia and loss of weight too. Through the loss of blood and heavy menstrual bleeding, other symptoms could be lower back pain, bloated stomachs, and longer periods as well as blood spotting during the long period.

Women suffer differently when they are experiencing fibroid growth – but once the fibroids continue growing, and the fibroids continue feeding on the pesticides and toxins which are present in the body, more blood will be released from the body which in turn causes anemia and therefore causes frustration and embarrassment to the woman in question.

Heavy blood loss can demonstrate a whole host of embarrassing situations for the woman. Sitting on a seat and all of a sudden a whole gush of blood just pours down or standing in a queue and a whole gush of blood pours down the legs is very, very embarrassing! I know because I have been there!!!

So its all about the foods we eat – I know so! Also bear in mind that the contraceptive pill could also be increasing your hormone levels therefore causing more estrogen and in turn causing heavier periods – and loss of blood too.

The pill

Check the pill you are taking because this could also be the cause of your blood loss. The pill is full of estrogen – estrogen in your body in abundance is the cause of fibroids growing and some of the ailments that we are faced with. So changing your pill to a non estrogen pill may be more beneficial to you.

You may not be aware but some of the contraceptive pills that we consume do have side effects that we may not be aware of. Some contraceptive pills although supposedly keeps our blood flow at bay, causes other indicative problems to our wellbeing.

Your Weight

Being overweight can cause our fibroids to grow which in turn cause menstrual blood overflow. As mentioned previously, it would be good to bear in mind what your diet consists of and eradicate certain foods from your diet in order that you can try and maintain your hormonal balance coupled with herbal organic supplements which will control and steady the flow of blood.

Anthony Chuks

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