Saturday 22 August 2015

Endometriosis Symptoms Checklist - Do You Have The Warning Signs?

There are a number of typical endometriosis symptoms which might indicate that you are suffering from this uncomfortable and often painful syndrome. If you are at all unsure, take a look at the list of symptoms below and if they seem familiar, it would be wise to consult your doctor before thinking about any form of treatment. With this condition, acting quickly is always a good idea and without action, endometriosis is likely to develop further and possibly lead to complications such as infertility.

Some Common Symptoms Of Endometriosis

1. Extreme Pain

Pain can be present throughout the monthly cycle but is usually far more severe around the time of the menstrual period. Pain could be in the general pelvic area,often in the lower back and sometimes in the legs or intestines. It is also common when passing a bowel movement or during intercourse.

2. Heavy Bleeding During Or Between Menstruation

It is common to have irregular periods when you have endometriosis. Sometimes, bleeding will occur during the middle part of the monthly cycle and it can be heavier than a normal period. Women often report that periods are much heavier and painful than what would be considered normal.

3. Bloating In The Abdomen

Swelling, discomfort and bloating are all common endometriosis symptoms. The bloated feeling is often accompanied by pain. The build up of gas can also lead to pain around the rectal area, particularly if there is a build up of endometrial tissue in that area. The bloating will often come and go over the course of the month but is usually reported to be worse around the time of the monthly period.

4. Fertility Problems

Women with endometriosis are prone to fertility problems due to the very nature of endometriosis. This condition causes the growth of tissue similar to that of the womb lining, but in inappropriate areas such as within the abdominal cavity. This can lead to scar tissue and can cause the organs to “stick together”. This in itself can cause pain and affect fertility for a number of reasons, such as the distortion of the reproductive organs and the blockage of the fallopian tubes etc depending on the location of the endometriosis. A history of ectopic pregnancy, chocolate ovarian cysts, miscarriage or uterine cysts are all possible endometriosis symptoms.

5. Miscellaneous

Other possible indicators which point to the fact that you may have endometriosis (especially when noted in conjunction with other symptoms) include fatigue, a reduced immunity and allergies which seem to worsen around the time of menstruation.

The aforementioned endometriosis symptoms will give you an indication as to whether you may have this condition. If you think this is a possibility, then visit your doctor and discuss your treatment options. There is no conventional cure for this condition although certain treatments will alleviate the symptoms. Natural treatment is believed to be a way of rebalancing the body and shrinking the endometrial tissue completely, but this does require a degree of work in the form of changing the diet and improving your lifestyle.

Anthony Chuks

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