Sunday 23 August 2015

Multivitamins and Supplements: How It Helps With Your Menstrual Cycle

One often unwelcome visitor that a woman has would be her menstrual cycle. Whether if it comes on a monthly basis, every other month, or on irregular instances, these biological phenomenon sends women to a plethora of often unpleasant experiences. Rather than just toughing it off, multivitamins fortified with various nutrients and other supplements can help get you through the struggles you have with your menstrual cycle.

Menstrual Cramps

The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhoea. These are painful cramps that happen before or during menstruation. It is caused by contractions of the uterus, which is a hollow pear-shaped organ located below the abdominal area, that serves as a home for a developing fetus. When contractions become too strong the organ compresses nearby blood vessels which impedes oxygen supply. A brief loss of oxygen of the uterine muscles causes the pain. Some women are able to manage the pain, while others can’t even stand due to its intensity. If your diet is low on zinc, calcium, Vitamin E and B vitamins, especially B6, a good multivitamin supplement would help you relieve the cramps along with the bloating.

Mood Swings

When hormones goes out of whack during the menstrual cycle that is when mood swing happens. You could become sensitive, irritable, depressed or anxious. Getting cranky when your period comes is a normal thing, but this can be managed with vitamin B6, vitamin E and herbal supplements such as Black Cohosh, Dong Quai and Chaste Berry.

Delayed & Irregular Menstruation

There are times when your menstruation can be delayed or comes at irregular cycles. It can be caused by temporary hormonal imbalance, depression, stress and weight issues. Some multivitamin supplements contain the herbal extracts from a plant named Black cohosh. It is a uterine stimulant which promotes menstruation. This however should be avoided in pregnancy. That is why it is very important to check with your OB-GYN to know the things to avoid and what to take in.

A diet that is also deficient in vitamin B6 and zinc can also cause irregular menstrual periods. You might need to take supplements to correct your blood levels of these vitamins and minerals.

Confusion/Difficulty Concentrating

When temporary hormonal changes happen it’s highly likely that your nervous system also gets affected. B vitamins and some herbal extracts in plants such as Feverfew can help in managing confusion and problems with concentration. Magnesium can also help manage your oversensitive nervous system during this phase.

Excessive Bleeding

Some women suffer excessive bleeding during their period causing them to feel fatigued, cranky and pale due to the loss of iron in the blood. Maintaining a supplement with iron, along with vitamin C for better absorption will help restore iron into your system.


It is common to see occasional acne growth when you menstruate. You can either blame pollutants, but in this case you can put it on your hormones going a bit haywire. Aside from maintaining good hygiene, Vitamin A, C, E can has antioxidant which also helps clarify your skin.

These are just a few of the many menstrual issues commonly faced by women. But you can always prepare your body to manage it with a good brand of multivitamin supplement. One that gives extensive nutrients that helps a woman manage her own body issues.

Anthony Chuks

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