Sunday, 6 September 2015

Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle

Menstruation is the monthly outflow of blood that starts at teen age and continues till a woman attains the age of late 40s. The lining of the uterus or womb is shed out and this causes bleeding which comes out from the uterus passing through the cervix, and then passes out through the vagina. Usually the menstrual periods last from three to five days. The time phase between the first day of menstrual period and that of next period is termed menstrual cycle.

The length of the menstrual cycle varies in different women. It may be 21 to 35 days long in adults whereas in teenage girls it may fall somewhere between 21 to 45 days.

The cycle is controlled by hormones secreted by our endocrine system, so if there is some problem with the cycle it is advised that you immediately see a good endocrinologist. Sometimes the contraceptives used to prevent pregnancy causes hormonal imbalances which disturbs monthly cycle.

The cycle involves number of physiological changes. The three phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase follow one after another through the period of 28 days.

The amount of estrogen gradually increases, the lining of the uterus thickens and ovarian follicles develops in the follicular phase. The egg is released from the potential follicle when Luteinizing Hormone acts on ovary and this is better known as ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs mid-cycle, usually 14thday.

After ovulation, the egg degenerates after 24 hours without fertilization and a small mass- corpus luteum is formed by the remains of the dominant follicle which produces progesterone. The level of both the hormones drops with the involution of corpus luteum. This decline in hormone cause the uterus to shed its lining in a process termed menstruation.

In the menstrual cycle or when the cycle is near the breasts become tender or mood swings may happen.

Period and Pregnancy

A week before and a week after the approximate day of ovulation is considered to be fertile period and this is the best time if you are trying to conceive. The rest of days besides this time is called safe periods.

Calculation of fertile period

(Shortest cycle) – 18 days=1st day of fertile period.

(Longest cycle) – 10 days= last day of fertile period.

Problems during Menstrual Period

The common problems that are commonly faced by women are:

  • Menstrual Cramps or Dysmenorrhea

Most women suffer from menstrual pains starting from the first day of the period. This pain can be so bad enough that it may prevent you from doing your routine activities. Don’t worry!! The pain will go away in 1 to 3 days and then everything will be normal.

Though it is not a serious issue but if pain goes long it may be due an infection of ovarian cysts. In that case you should run to your doctor.

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is symptoms that usually appear before 14 days of your period. The women complaints mild discomfort, acne, back pain, constipation, headache, fast heartbeat, weigh gain etc. before their periods.

Anthony Chuks

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