Friday, 2 October 2015

How Do Yeast Infections Affect Your Periods - All About the Infection?

It is a fact that yeast infections affect your periods considerably. This is usually caused by organisms known as Candida albicans or Candidiasis. Yeast infections are a frustrating problem for many women. These are not sexually transmitted hence these are not really infectious.

Yeast love moisture and the wetness in the vaginal canal and this can thrive during your periods too. Vaginal infection occurs when certain new yeast are introduced into the vagina or when there is an increase in the quantity of existing yeast relative to the amount of bacteria that already exists. When protective and normal bacteria are destroyed by the intake of antibiotics or immunosuppressive drugs, the existing yeast multiplies and invades tissues and this causes irritation along the lining of the vagina.

Causes of Vaginal infections:

Vaginal infections also take place due to an injury inside of the vagina such as chemotherapy. A weak immune system resulting from administration of cortisone-related medications also help develop vaginal infections. Certain other medical conditions such as Diabetes Mellitus, taking of oral contraceptives and pregnancy also result in this infection. Sometimes, the use of douches and feminine hygiene sprays can also result in development of a vaginal infection.

How do yeast infections affect your periods?

Close to 70% of the women worldwide tend to develop at least one infection in their entire lifetime and around 40% of them have recurring infections. Those with diabetes have chances to develop infections on account of increase in level of sugar in the body, which creates a conducive environment for the yeast to thrive. A fungus of the yeast family namely Candida albicans are primarily responsible for these infections. Candida albicans are part of the normal environment of the mouth, skin and the intestinal tract.

You should avoid wearing wet clothes for longer periods of time. Tight fitting clothing would increase moisture and creates a favourable environment for the growth of yeast, hence it should be avoided. Since sugar can alter the pH balance, you should avoid diets that are rich in sugar. Diet is a major factor in causing chronic Candida infections; hence it is important to treat the digestive tract as it could lead to re-infection if left untreated.

Precautionary measures to take during your periods:

It is important that you take adequate precautionary measures when you are in your periods. Some of the measures are:

  • Do not wear panty-liners or pads beyond the duration of your periods

  • You ought to wipe from front to back after urination and bowel movements.

  • Avoid using deodorant tampons.

  • You need to avoid tight-fitting clothes and opt for cotton rather than synthetic underwear.

  • Do not use douches and feminine deodorant sprays.

  • Intake of antibiotics could lead to this infection because they tend to kill and decrease the normal vaginal flora.

  • Change wet clothing after a workout or swimming.

  • Do not take diets that are rich in sugar, because sugar could alter pH balance.

  • Dry the vaginal area thoroughly after you bathe.

  • Ensure that you get adequate amounts of rest to help fight infections.

Before you consult your doctor for proper treatment, you should understand how these infections affect your periods and menstrual cycle. Though not serious, these could pose challenges if left untreated.

Anthony Chuks

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