The other day, I heard from a women who suspected that there might be an issue with her fertility. She had been trying to become pregnant for about eight months. Nothing had happened. So, she finally decided to use an ovulation predictor to see if she had ovulated. She tried urine, but she would run out of sticks and then assume that something was wrong.
Finally, she decided to give the saliva predictors a try. Low and behold, she found out that she was indeed ovulating, but it worried her that this was happening so late in her cycle. Most times, she was getting a positive reading after day number 23. She was expecting to see a positive around day 14 so she was thinking that she was more than 1 week “late” and she wondered if this meant that her reproductive system was struggling or was sluggish in some way. She wanted to know if late ovulation is indicative of a problem with fertility or becoming pregnant. I will tell you my opinion on this (and experience with it) in the following article.
Ovulation That Coincides With Intercourse Can Result In Pregnancy No Matter When This Occurs: People often assume that the ovulation that happens late is in some way inferior to one that happens when they believe it should. I disagree with this. There are many reasons why you may be ovulating late. This time period can vary from month to month, person to person, and season to season.
And for some women, this is just the time of the month that is normal for them. The timing of this does not necessarily have anything to do with struggling ovulation. Nor does it mean that you should handle this any differently than a positive result that you would get during any other time. Simply put, when you see that positive reading, have intercourse based on the schedule for which gender you are hoping to get. (If you want a girl, you’ll need to wait until the next month because you want to conceive before ovulation. If you want a boy, you’ll want to act now. In addition, you’ll want to follow the acidic or alkaline diets for both regimens.) If you don’t care which gender you get, then you can go ahead and attempt conception regularly for a few days.
Doing this is no different than how you would act if you got a positive midway through. Ovulating late might just be your regular schedule. It should have no affect on how you proceed. As long as this healthy egg is fertilized by healthy sperm, you should get pregnant no differently than you would during another time period. This might not be what is normal for someone else, but it can perfectly normal for you. This might be your time frame for this month only, or it might be what happens every month. As long as you ovulating though, there is no reason not to take advantage of it, no matter when it occurs.
My Own Experience With Late Ovulation And Fertility: For my first pregnancy, I did not even bother to check my ovulation. I assumed that I ovulated mid way through and acted accordingly. But, I was also pretty much a newlywed. So, I was having intercourse long after the midway point ended. And, I got pregnant pretty easily.
But when I was trying for my second child, it was not nearly as easy. A year went by and I still wasn’t pregnant. I started using ovulation predictors (urine) and just like my writer I would run out of tests in the box and give up, feeling defeated. When I starting using saliva, I kept going because these are reusable. And, I found that I ovulate after day 20. I might get a positive one month on day 20 and another on day 22, but it was happening late each month.
So, I concentrated my efforts on the end of the month and I was pregnant within 2 months. See, there was nothing wrong with my ovulation time frame, and I was fertile. It’s just that I wasn’t concentrating my intercourse efforts on the right time frame. I was trying very hard mid way through, but when I actually was ovulating, I thought that my window had closed when really it was only beginning.
I am living proof that late ovulation might mean a delay in your regimen or time frame, but it most certainly does not, in my opinion, affect fertility or your ability to get pregnant as long as you can determine when it is happening and act accordingly.
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