Wednesday, 23 September 2015

He Suddenly Stopped Talking to Me - Why This Happens and What to Do

“He suddenly stopped talking to me. What do I do now?” This is an all too common question women are searching for an answer to. Men are something of a mystery to many women. Just when we think we have a guy figured out he goes and does something that we don’t see coming. Such is the case when he suddenly drops out of sight and cuts of all contact. He doesn’t return your calls, your emails go unanswered and you’re left alone and bewildered. You play back the last few times you saw him in your head searching for clues as to why he did this. You may even let your imagination run wild and envision him in the hospital or hurt and unable to call. Instead of wasting more time trying to second guess what’s going on, you need to gain some insight into how the male mind works and why men do this so often.

If he suddenly stopped talking to you it is generally because you’ve done something that he found unappealing. Dating relationships just don’t have the same commitment as longer term partnerships do. Men can be a little indecisive and one small thing can turn them off and make them walk away. Most women don’t fully realize this. Even something as seemingly insignificant as commenting on what he orders at dinner or how he needs to shave can be enough to make him break off contact.

You may think that’s a bit cold and heartless but unfortunately it’s the reality of the dating world. Unless the two of you have forged a strong emotional connection, his interest is hanging by a delicate thread.

So what’s a woman to do if the guy she’s crazy about just stops talking to her? You can forget him and move on as well. This sounds much easier than it is, but if it’s a new relationship and you haven’t invested too much of yourself into it, that might be the right choice.

If you care for him and see some potential there, you need to make amends. If you haven’t pinpointed what you might have done, that’s okay. You can still take steps to remedy the situation. Call him up and let him know that you’d love to have coffee with him. If he doesn’t answer, leave a message. Don’t apply any pressure or talk at all about how his ignoring you made you feel. Instead, just act friendly, warm and fun. Let him see the best parts of you. Doing this will give him a new perspective and if you want to keep the relationship moving in the right direction, just take your cues from him. The more time he spends with you, the more likely he’ll look right past any flaws you may have and focus instead on the parts of you that are irresistible.

Anthony Chuks

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