If you would like to know how to stop fibroids from bleeding, there are a number of simple steps you can take which can really help. However, you should be aware that the only way to get permanent relief is to eliminate your fibroids altogether, and this can be done using natural methods.
Fibroids bleed for different reasons and at different times of the month. Sometimes, heavy bleeding occurs at the time of the monthly period, which is different to a normal flow and some women experience spotting and breakthrough bleeding at various times between the monthly periods.
Common Causes Of Fibroid Bleeding
* Congestion around the uterus
* A general increase of blood volume due to new blood vessels forming to support the fibroids
* Blockages caused by fibroids which prevent normal blood flow-this seems heavy when finally released
If you do nothing to learn how to stop fibroids from bleeding and try to live with the situation, this can lead to anemia and as time goes by, the pain often worsens as the fibroids grow larger. It is best to try a number of simple strategies and see which work for you.
* Take a good all-round supplement including Vitamins A C and E. Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid can also help
* Consider using Ibuprofen which is an anti-inflammatory
* Rest raising the legs higher than your abdomen
* Use pads instead of tampons which can increase cramping
* Take daily moderate exercise to help your circulation generally
* Lie on your side with your knees bent and pull your bent legs to your chest
* A warm bath can help with congestion and improve blood flow
The complete solution for those wanting to know how to stop fibroids from bleeding is to eliminate the fibroids altogether. Surgery and hormonal/drug treatment can help temporarily but as they do not treat the root causes of the fibroids, they are likely to regrow. However, if you are prepared to make a number of lifestyle and dietary changes, the results can be astonishing, with many managing to see significant results within a matter of a couple of short weeks.
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