Wednesday 2 September 2015

Tips for Dealing with Your Period While Traveling

It’s probably not the first thing you think about when planning your vacation, but your “monthly friend” might decide to tag along on your next trip. “Going with the flow” isn’t always simple, but you can make things easier with these tips.

Know your cycle.

Even if you’re not traveling, it’s useful to know the length and flow of your menstrual cycle. When you are traveling, this information becomes even more important. You’ll be able to adjust your plans as you consider when your period should start, what kinds of products to pack, how your mood might change, what level of pain or discomfort you might experience, and how long your period will last. Knowledge is power, so know your flow. One of the best ways to safeguard your vacation from a disaster is to be prepared beforehand. Consider that stress and lifestyle changes can end up altering your normal menstrual cycle. Even if you’re not expecting to get your period while on vacation, it never hurts to bring some products along. That way, you can easily handle a surprise or even help out an unlucky traveling companion.

Bring the essentials.

Make sure to pack all of the essentials that you would usually use at home. This should mean your personal choice of pads, tampons, a menstrual cup, washable/reusable pads, or a combination of any of these. You might find that you want to use different period products when traveling. For example, if you usually use washable/reusable pads or a washable menstrual cup, you might want to bring along disposable pads or tampons for the convenience. As another example, pad users might want to bring along tampons or a menstrual cup in case they want to swim. If you’re traveling for a long distance with limited access to a bathroom, consider wearing an overnight pad instead of a usual pad for extra confidence, or wear a pantyliner along with your tampon.

Bring the extras.

Don’t forget about the other products that will help you deal with your period while traveling. A small, discrete zipper bag can be used to separate your menstrual products from the rest of your luggage for easy retrieval. Baby wipes or feminine hygiene wipes can be used to clean your hands or freshen up. Pack some kind of medicine, even if you don’t usually need to use it at home. Ibuprofen is an old standby, but you might prefer a menstrual-specific product.

Stay comfortable.

Drinking plenty of water is always important for your health, but did you know it can also help relieve PMS symptoms? Also, salty and sugary foods can cause PMS symptoms to flare up, so avoid too much junk food. Bring healthy snacks with you to encourage yourself to make good food choices. As for what to wear while traveling during your period, comfort is key. However, being comfortable doesn’t mean you have to look like you just rolled out of bed. Pack pants or skirts that aren’t too tight around the waist. Bringing an extra long sweater along means you have a casual way of hiding potential stains.

Traveling with your period probably isn’t your idea of the perfect vacation, but it doesn’t have to mean your travel plans are ruined. With a little preparation and forethought, you can travel with confidence and in comfort and style.

Anthony Chuks

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